The University of Saint Katherine (USK) and the Center of Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies (CEMES) decided to devote this academic year’s Open Public Lectures of their Master Program in “Orthodox Ecumenical Theology” (MOET) to the “Eastern/Oriental Orthodox-Latin/Greek Catholic relations”.
I. The English program’s lectures will be delivered and coordinated by members of CEMES and the Scientific Committee and Teaching Staff of MOET, as well as by selected scholars of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), the Ecumenical Monastery of Bose, and the Oriental Orthodox and the Greek Catholic Churches, and are scheduled at 18:00-19:30 Greek time (16:00-17:30 GMT and 08:00-9:30 California time).
II. Parallel to these English lectures, this academic year CEMES will also inaugurate a series of Open Public Lectures in Greek for the Greek speaking public around the globe on the same general theme and the same time.
In both the English and the Greek series of lectures, in addition to the coordinator and the speaker two more scholars(in brackets) will be scheduled to join them for an in-depth discussion in an as much as possible balanced form. All lectures will have automatic YouTube interpretation.
TUESDAY 30.11.21
Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle: “From Schism to Imperfect Communion. Evolution of the View of the Catholic Church on Division”.
Coordinator, introducing the series: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Rev. Emer. Prof. K. M. George – Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban)
TUESDAY 07.12.21
Emer. Prof. Grigorios Larentzakis: “Was there a Canonical Schism Between Rome and Constantinople:” (Greek original)
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Archbishop. Dimitrios Salachas)
FRIDAY 17.12.21
Rev. Georgy Kochetkov: “Personality, Conciliarity & Sobornost in the New Testament Revelation of Human Being. The New Language of Orthodox-Catholic Relations”. Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis – Dr. Zoya Dachevskaya)
TUESDAY 21.12.21
Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris: “The Search for Synodality and the future of Orthodox-Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Metr. οf Nigeria Giannitis (Rev. Prof. Αugustinos Bairaktaris – Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras)
FRIDAY 07.1.22
Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas: “Historical Factors of the Estrangement between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos – Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis)
TUESDAY 11.1.22
Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos: “The Prospects of Reunion of the Orthodox Church with the Catholic and the Oriental Churches”.
Coordinator: Rev. Emer. Prof. K. M. George (Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairaktaris – Rev. Dr. Adalberto Mainardi)
TUESDAY 18.1.22
Emer. Prof. Μiltiadis Konstantinou: “Orthodox and Catholic in Common Bible Translation Projects”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. Georgios Adam (Prof. Nicolas Abou Mrad – Dr. Pavlos Vasileiadis)
FRIDAY 21.1.22
Panagiotis Αndriopoulos: «From the Embracing of Peter and Paul to that of Andrew and Peter».
Coordinator: Prof. Αntonia Κyriatzi (Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Emer. Prof. Grigorios Larentzakis)
TUESDAY 25.1.22
Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea: “Common Christiaan Witness in Catholic-Orthodox Christian Mission”.
Coordinator: Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas (Rev. Dr. J. Njoroge Ngige – Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards)
FRIDAY 28.1.22
Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban: “Ecumenical Relations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church”.
Coordinator Rev. Prof. Andriy Dudchenko (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis - Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos)
FRIDAY 04.2.22
Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras: “Εschatology and the Perspectives of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue”.
Coordinator: Prof. Christoph Αrvanitis (Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Prof. Stavros Yagazoglou)
FRIDAY 11.2.22
Prof. Petros Panagiotopoulos “Orthodox and Catholic Encounter with Science in the Past and Now”.
Coordinator: Prof. Niki Papageorgiou (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos - Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis)
FRIDAY 18.2.22
Metr. Prof. Hilarion Alfeyev: “Prospects of Catholic-Russian Orthodox Church Relations”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle (Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris. – Metr. Borys Gudziak)
TUESDAY 22.2.22
Emer. Prof. Andrii Krawchuk: “Orthodox-Catholic relations in Ukraine: Diagnosis, Goals, and strategies”.
Coordinator: Prof. Sergii Bortnyk (Rev. Dr. Adalberto Mainardi- Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairaktaris)
FRIDAY 25.2.22
Sister Dr. Theologia (Adamtziloglou): “Deaconesses in the Church of Christ during the First Millennium with Special Reference to St. Nonna”. Coordinator: Prof. Evangelia Αmoiridou (Dr. Εleni Kasselouri – Dr. Spyridoula Αthanasopoulou-Κypriou)
TUESDAY 01.3.22
Rev. Dr. Georgios Basioudis: “The renewal of the Church of Christ: Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s Contribution to the Ecumenical Theology”. Coordinator. Rev. Prof. Stylianos Muksuris (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadiς - Rev. Dr. Daniel Galadza)
FRIDAY 04.3.22
Metr. Prof. John Zizioulas: “Eucharistic/Baptismal Ecclesiology and the Prospects of Catholic-Orthodox Reunion”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Panteleimon Manoussakis (Rev. Prof. Cyril Hovorun - Dr. Adalberto Mainardi)
TUESDAY 08.3.22
Εmer. Prof. Ivan Zhelev Dimitrov: “Orthodox-Catholic Ecumenical Relations in Bulgaria”.
Coordinator: Prof. Dimitrios Passakos (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos – Prof. Moschos Goutzioudis)
FRIDAY 11.3.22
Metr. Prof. Nifon Mihaita: “Orthodox-Catholic Ecumenical Relations in the Romanian Orthodox Church”.
Coordinator: Monsignor Piero Coda (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos – Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea)
TUESDAY 15.3.22
Monsignor Piero Coda: “The Vision of Orthodox-Catholic Reconciliation and Christian unit in Pope Francis and in Chiara's works”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris (Dr. Adalberto Mainardi – Prof. Christos Tsironis)
FRIDAY 18.3.22
Prof. Νiki Papageorgiou: «Models of Female Diaconia in the Church of Christ in East and West».
Coordinator: Dr. Spyridoula Αthanasopoulou-Κypriou (Μaria Κοutatzi – Dr. Niki Tsironi)
TUESDAY 22.3.22
Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris: “The vision of Orthodox-Catholic Reconciliation and Christian unity in Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and in Chiara's works” . Coordinator: Monsignor Piero Coda (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos – Prof. Rev. Daniel Galadza)
TUESDAY 29.3.22
Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis “Caring for God’s Creation. An Ecumenical Responsibility”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. John Chryssavgis (Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha - Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris)
FRIDAY 01.4.22
Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha: “Common Celebration of Pascha and Eastern-Western Christian Relations”.
Coordinator: Dr. Odair Pedrose Mateus (Metr. Prof. Vassilios Karagiannis - Rev. Prof. Daniel Galadza)
FRIDAY 08.4.22
Prof. Stylianos Τsompanidis: «Pope Francis Encyclical ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ and the Holy and Great Council».
Coordinator: Br. Raphaello Ogliari (Rev. Prof. Αugustinos Bairaktaris – Prof. Νiki Papageorgiou)
TUESDAY 12.4.22
Dr. Ally Kateusz “Images in Art of Women Deacons in East and West”.
Coordinator: Dr. Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou (Dr. Aikaterina Drosia – Dr. Eleni Κasselouri)
FRIDAY 15.4.22
Rev. Prof. Stylianos Muksuris, “‘Will You Remember Me, O Lord?’ Commemoration of Non-Orthodox Names in the Byzantine Rite of Proskomide. Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Daniel Galadza (Archbishop Lazar Puhalo – Rev. Dr. Pavlos Koumarianos)
FRIDAY 29.4.22
Rev. Prof. Cyril Hovorun: “Meta-ecclesiology and the Orthodox-Catholic Reunion”.
Coordinator Dr. Adalberto Mainardi (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos - Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea)
FRIDAY 06.5.22
Prof. Dimitrios Moschos: “The Historical and Geopolitical Factors of the ‘Schism’ between Rome and Constantinople – The New Ecumenical Era”. Coordinator: Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis – Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos)
TUESDAY 10.5.22
Dr. Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou: “Women's peace activism and Public Theology in Western and Eastern Christianity”.
Coordinator: Dr. Aikaterina Drosia (Prof. Antonia Kyriatzi – Dr. Eleni Κasselouri)
FRIDAY 13.5.22
Prof. Panagiotis Yfantis: “Catholic Martyrs in Christian East».
Συντονιστής: Rev. Prof. Luca Bianchi (Prof. Dimitrios Μoschos – Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis)
FRIDAY 20.5.22
Cardinal Kurt Koch: “The Reconciliation Process of the Catholic Church and the Prospects of Catholic-Orthodox Reunion”.
Coordinator: Metr. Prof. Makarios. Tillyrides (Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha – Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis)
TUESDAY 24.5.22
Rev. Dr. John Njoroge Ngige: “Dialogue with African religious practices and the Orthodox-Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards (Metr. Alexander Gianniris – Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis)
TUESDAY 31.5.22
Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards: “Similarities and Common Witness in Orthodox and Catholic Mission Theology”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. John Njoroge Ngige (Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas - Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban)
FRIDAY 10.6.22
Prof. Stavros Yagazoglou: “Viewa of Pneumatology in Eastern and Western Tradition. Yves Congar’s Contribution to the Dialoguefor Church Unity”. Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras (Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Archbishop. Dimitrios Salachas)
TUESDAY 14.6.22
Rev. Emer. Prof. K.M. George: “Eastern-Oriental Orthodox and Catholic/ Greek Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Georgios Μartzelos (Prof. Nicolas Abou Mrad -Rev. Dr. Adalberto Μainardi)
FRIDAY 17.6.22
Prof. Vassiliki Stathokosta: «Orthodox-Catholic Relations in Greece and Prospects of Churches Unity».
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Archbishop Theodore Κοntidis - Emer. Prof. Georgios Μartzelos
I. The English program’s lectures will be delivered and coordinated by members of CEMES and the Scientific Committee and Teaching Staff of MOET, as well as by selected scholars of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum), the Ecumenical Monastery of Bose, and the Oriental Orthodox and the Greek Catholic Churches, and are scheduled at 18:00-19:30 Greek time (16:00-17:30 GMT and 08:00-9:30 California time).
II. Parallel to these English lectures, this academic year CEMES will also inaugurate a series of Open Public Lectures in Greek for the Greek speaking public around the globe on the same general theme and the same time.
In both the English and the Greek series of lectures, in addition to the coordinator and the speaker two more scholars(in brackets) will be scheduled to join them for an in-depth discussion in an as much as possible balanced form. All lectures will have automatic YouTube interpretation.
TUESDAY 30.11.21
Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle: “From Schism to Imperfect Communion. Evolution of the View of the Catholic Church on Division”.
Coordinator, introducing the series: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Rev. Emer. Prof. K. M. George – Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban)
TUESDAY 07.12.21
Emer. Prof. Grigorios Larentzakis: “Was there a Canonical Schism Between Rome and Constantinople:” (Greek original)
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Archbishop. Dimitrios Salachas)
FRIDAY 17.12.21
Rev. Georgy Kochetkov: “Personality, Conciliarity & Sobornost in the New Testament Revelation of Human Being. The New Language of Orthodox-Catholic Relations”. Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis – Dr. Zoya Dachevskaya)
TUESDAY 21.12.21
Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris: “The Search for Synodality and the future of Orthodox-Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Metr. οf Nigeria Giannitis (Rev. Prof. Αugustinos Bairaktaris – Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras)
FRIDAY 07.1.22
Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas: “Historical Factors of the Estrangement between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos – Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis)
TUESDAY 11.1.22
Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos: “The Prospects of Reunion of the Orthodox Church with the Catholic and the Oriental Churches”.
Coordinator: Rev. Emer. Prof. K. M. George (Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairaktaris – Rev. Dr. Adalberto Mainardi)
TUESDAY 18.1.22
Emer. Prof. Μiltiadis Konstantinou: “Orthodox and Catholic in Common Bible Translation Projects”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. Georgios Adam (Prof. Nicolas Abou Mrad – Dr. Pavlos Vasileiadis)
FRIDAY 21.1.22
Panagiotis Αndriopoulos: «From the Embracing of Peter and Paul to that of Andrew and Peter».
Coordinator: Prof. Αntonia Κyriatzi (Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Emer. Prof. Grigorios Larentzakis)
TUESDAY 25.1.22
Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea: “Common Christiaan Witness in Catholic-Orthodox Christian Mission”.
Coordinator: Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas (Rev. Dr. J. Njoroge Ngige – Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards)
FRIDAY 28.1.22
Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban: “Ecumenical Relations of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church”.
Coordinator Rev. Prof. Andriy Dudchenko (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis - Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos)
FRIDAY 04.2.22
Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras: “Εschatology and the Perspectives of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue”.
Coordinator: Prof. Christoph Αrvanitis (Emer. Prof. Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Prof. Stavros Yagazoglou)
FRIDAY 11.2.22
Prof. Petros Panagiotopoulos “Orthodox and Catholic Encounter with Science in the Past and Now”.
Coordinator: Prof. Niki Papageorgiou (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos - Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis)
FRIDAY 18.2.22
Metr. Prof. Hilarion Alfeyev: “Prospects of Catholic-Russian Orthodox Church Relations”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Hyacinth Destivelle (Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris. – Metr. Borys Gudziak)
TUESDAY 22.2.22
Emer. Prof. Andrii Krawchuk: “Orthodox-Catholic relations in Ukraine: Diagnosis, Goals, and strategies”.
Coordinator: Prof. Sergii Bortnyk (Rev. Dr. Adalberto Mainardi- Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairaktaris)
FRIDAY 25.2.22
Sister Dr. Theologia (Adamtziloglou): “Deaconesses in the Church of Christ during the First Millennium with Special Reference to St. Nonna”. Coordinator: Prof. Evangelia Αmoiridou (Dr. Εleni Kasselouri – Dr. Spyridoula Αthanasopoulou-Κypriou)
TUESDAY 01.3.22
Rev. Dr. Georgios Basioudis: “The renewal of the Church of Christ: Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s Contribution to the Ecumenical Theology”. Coordinator. Rev. Prof. Stylianos Muksuris (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadiς - Rev. Dr. Daniel Galadza)
FRIDAY 04.3.22
Metr. Prof. John Zizioulas: “Eucharistic/Baptismal Ecclesiology and the Prospects of Catholic-Orthodox Reunion”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Panteleimon Manoussakis (Rev. Prof. Cyril Hovorun - Dr. Adalberto Mainardi)
TUESDAY 08.3.22
Εmer. Prof. Ivan Zhelev Dimitrov: “Orthodox-Catholic Ecumenical Relations in Bulgaria”.
Coordinator: Prof. Dimitrios Passakos (Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos – Prof. Moschos Goutzioudis)
FRIDAY 11.3.22
Metr. Prof. Nifon Mihaita: “Orthodox-Catholic Ecumenical Relations in the Romanian Orthodox Church”.
Coordinator: Monsignor Piero Coda (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos – Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea)
TUESDAY 15.3.22
Monsignor Piero Coda: “The Vision of Orthodox-Catholic Reconciliation and Christian unit in Pope Francis and in Chiara's works”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris (Dr. Adalberto Mainardi – Prof. Christos Tsironis)
FRIDAY 18.3.22
Prof. Νiki Papageorgiou: «Models of Female Diaconia in the Church of Christ in East and West».
Coordinator: Dr. Spyridoula Αthanasopoulou-Κypriou (Μaria Κοutatzi – Dr. Niki Tsironi)
TUESDAY 22.3.22
Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris: “The vision of Orthodox-Catholic Reconciliation and Christian unity in Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and in Chiara's works” . Coordinator: Monsignor Piero Coda (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos – Prof. Rev. Daniel Galadza)
TUESDAY 29.3.22
Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis “Caring for God’s Creation. An Ecumenical Responsibility”.
Coordinator: Rev. Prof. John Chryssavgis (Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha - Rev. Prof. Augustinos Bairactaris)
FRIDAY 01.4.22
Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha: “Common Celebration of Pascha and Eastern-Western Christian Relations”.
Coordinator: Dr. Odair Pedrose Mateus (Metr. Prof. Vassilios Karagiannis - Rev. Prof. Daniel Galadza)
FRIDAY 08.4.22
Prof. Stylianos Τsompanidis: «Pope Francis Encyclical ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ and the Holy and Great Council».
Coordinator: Br. Raphaello Ogliari (Rev. Prof. Αugustinos Bairaktaris – Prof. Νiki Papageorgiou)
TUESDAY 12.4.22
Dr. Ally Kateusz “Images in Art of Women Deacons in East and West”.
Coordinator: Dr. Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou (Dr. Aikaterina Drosia – Dr. Eleni Κasselouri)
FRIDAY 15.4.22
Rev. Prof. Stylianos Muksuris, “‘Will You Remember Me, O Lord?’ Commemoration of Non-Orthodox Names in the Byzantine Rite of Proskomide. Coordinator: Rev. Prof. Daniel Galadza (Archbishop Lazar Puhalo – Rev. Dr. Pavlos Koumarianos)
FRIDAY 29.4.22
Rev. Prof. Cyril Hovorun: “Meta-ecclesiology and the Orthodox-Catholic Reunion”.
Coordinator Dr. Adalberto Mainardi (Emer. Prof. Georgios Martzelos - Rev. Prof. Cristian Sonea)
FRIDAY 06.5.22
Prof. Dimitrios Moschos: “The Historical and Geopolitical Factors of the ‘Schism’ between Rome and Constantinople – The New Ecumenical Era”. Coordinator: Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis (Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis – Prof. Dimitrios Stamatopoulos)
TUESDAY 10.5.22
Dr. Spyridoula Athanasopoulou-Kypriou: “Women's peace activism and Public Theology in Western and Eastern Christianity”.
Coordinator: Dr. Aikaterina Drosia (Prof. Antonia Kyriatzi – Dr. Eleni Κasselouri)
FRIDAY 13.5.22
Prof. Panagiotis Yfantis: “Catholic Martyrs in Christian East».
Συντονιστής: Rev. Prof. Luca Bianchi (Prof. Dimitrios Μoschos – Dr. Theodosios Kyriakidis)
FRIDAY 20.5.22
Cardinal Kurt Koch: “The Reconciliation Process of the Catholic Church and the Prospects of Catholic-Orthodox Reunion”.
Coordinator: Metr. Prof. Makarios. Tillyrides (Archbishop Prof. Job Getcha – Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis)
TUESDAY 24.5.22
Rev. Dr. John Njoroge Ngige: “Dialogue with African religious practices and the Orthodox-Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards (Metr. Alexander Gianniris – Prof. Nikolaos Dimitriadis)
TUESDAY 31.5.22
Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards: “Similarities and Common Witness in Orthodox and Catholic Mission Theology”.
Coordinator: Rev. Dr. John Njoroge Ngige (Prof. Dimitrios Keramidas - Rev. Dr. Ihor Shaban)
FRIDAY 10.6.22
Prof. Stavros Yagazoglou: “Viewa of Pneumatology in Eastern and Western Tradition. Yves Congar’s Contribution to the Dialoguefor Church Unity”. Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Kostas Αgoras (Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris - Archbishop. Dimitrios Salachas)
TUESDAY 14.6.22
Rev. Emer. Prof. K.M. George: “Eastern-Oriental Orthodox and Catholic/ Greek Catholic Relations”.
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Georgios Μartzelos (Prof. Nicolas Abou Mrad -Rev. Dr. Adalberto Μainardi)
FRIDAY 17.6.22
Prof. Vassiliki Stathokosta: «Orthodox-Catholic Relations in Greece and Prospects of Churches Unity».
Coordinator: Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis (Archbishop Theodore Κοntidis - Emer. Prof. Georgios Μartzelos
As stated in the CEMES General Assembly of 2021 (May 2021) the English-speaking project, titled "PROSECUW" funded by the EU, has officially started. It is a difficult, but worthy, project that requires a collective effort by the members of CEMES that are willing to participate and who are requested to express by the end of August their interest to co-operate. It requires deliverable (c.15 pages) reports every month, according to the project's timeline.
If any member or friend of CEMESdid any work in a similar field and is willing to participate, ise requested to express his/her interest and send a short cv to [email protected]
The full text of the Secretary General and Project Manager is given below in Scribd
If any member or friend of CEMESdid any work in a similar field and is willing to participate, ise requested to express his/her interest and send a short cv to [email protected]
The full text of the Secretary General and Project Manager is given below in Scribd
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35 years ago, on June 14 1979, Metr. Panteleimon Papageorgiou hassed away. CEMES commemorates this day as the birth of the foundation, to carry out his legacy and vision. Every year a liturgical memorial in his memory is celebrated. This year the memorial was conducted at Transfiguration of Lord the Savior by Archimandrite Bartholomew Antoniou-Triantafylidis in the blessed Metropolitan's parish Church in Plaka (14.6.2014).
Humble Theological Contribution to our Orthodox Church on Her Way to the 2016 Pan-Orthodox Council
For the period 2014-2016 CEMES has launched a project in 3 steps: (a) An international conference on Deaconesses, (b) An international seminar on the Panorthodox Council, and (c) A series of lectures, a seminar and a symposium on "the union of all"
Copyright © CEMES 2014